Guelph Bridge Club |
Two pairs constitute a team. (Teams of five or six members are common to have spares when someone cannot play). Each set of boards will only be played by two pairs in the team, i.e. four members of the team. In a match, two teams compete using two tables and having one pair from each team seated at each table, in opposite directions. (For example, Team A may sit North-South at table 1 and East-West at table 2; then Team B would sit East-West at table 1 and North-South at table 2.) Similar arrangements apply if there are more than two teams in the competition. Suppose Team A plays Team B. The first time a hand is played, one partnership from Team A takes the North-South cards and one partnership from Team B takes the East-West cards; when the hand is played again, it is played by the other two partnerships, but this time with Team A holding the East-West cards and Team B holding the North-South cards. Of course the teams may not discuss the deals between the two plays. Normally, each of the two tables deals and plays half of the scheduled boards at the beginning of the match, and they're exchanged in the halftime. Typically the first round of the match will be 10 -12 boards, each table playing 5 - 6 boards and then switching. Then a second round of 10-12 boards will be played . This constitutes one match. The competition continues over several matches on different evenings until each team has played all the other teams. It may also be run as a double round robin where each team plays each of the other teams twice throughout the series.
After each board has been played twice, the scores are compared, and an International Match Point Score (IMP score) is
assigned to each board, depending on the net total score from the two
times the deal was played. For example, if one pair scores +620 on a deal, and their teammates score -600, then the team's net score on that
deal is +20. The IMPs are totaled over all the boards of the set, and one team will be declared the winner of the
match when their IMP score is highest. Then the IMP scores are converted through a table to VICTORY
POINTS which are used to decide the rankings of each team over the series of matches. FORMATION OF TEAMS Spares (unable to play for some matches) are welcome. SCHEDULE The team league is held on Thursday at 7 pm:a) In the fall from September to December b) In the spring from February to May. Specific starting dates for each period are announced: a) on our website prior to the start of each league session, and, b) by direct email to GBC members. PLAYING FEES Each player will pay the regular fee of the Guelph Bridge Club.COORDINATORS: Thea Davis 519-400-4053 theasdavis@gmail.comand Dave Baker 519-954-0717 |